Google Cloud eğitimlerini dilediğiniz şekilde keşfedin.

980'den fazla öğrenim aktivitesi barındıran kapsamlı Google Cloud kataloğu, ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Katalogda çeşitli aktivite formatları yer alır. Tek parçalık kısa laboratuvarlar ya da video, belge, laboratuvar ve testler içeren çok modüllü kurslar arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz. Laboratuvarlarımız kapsamında, gerçek bulut kaynaklarına erişmeniz için geçici kimlik bilgileri verilir. Böylece Google Cloud'u doğrudan platformu kullanarak öğrenebilirsiniz. Google Cloud'da tamamladığınız aktivitelerden rozetler kazanabilir, bu sayede ilerlemenizi öğrenebilir, takip edebilir ve ölçebilirsiniz.

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350 results

  1. Course Featured

    Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with Google Cloud

    The two key components of any data pipeline are data lakes and warehouses. This course highlights use-cases for each type of storage and dives into the available data lake and warehouse solutions on Google Cloud in technical detail. Also, this course describes the role of a data engineer, the benefits of a success…

  2. Lab Featured

    Visualizing Billing Data with Looker Studio

    In this lab, you will harness the power of Looker Studio, where you will learn how to build billing graphs and charts so you can slice and dice your Google Cloud bill the way you want.

  3. Lab Featured

    Ingesting HL7v2 Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will discover and use the basic functionality of Cloud Healthcare API using HL7v2 messages.

  4. Lab Featured

    Analyzing Billing Data with BigQuery

    In this lab you will create datasets and tables, import data from billing reports, and conduct a variety of queries on the data using BigQuery.

  5. Course Featured

    Preparing for your Professional Data Engineer Journey

    This course helps learners create a study plan for the PDE (Professional Data Engineer) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan.

  6. Course Featured

    Introduction to Data Analytics on Google Cloud

    This introductory course explores the basics of data analysis, including collection, storage, exploration, visualization, and sharing. This course also introduces Google Cloud's data analytics tools and services. Through video lectures, demos, quizzes, and hands-on labs, this course demonstrates how to go from raw…

  7. Lab Featured

    Google Cloud SQL'e Veri Yükleme

    Bu laboratuvarda, CSV metin dosyalarındaki verileri Cloud SQL'e aktaracak, ardından basit sorgular kullanarak bazı temel veri analizleri gerçekleştireceksiniz.

  8. Lab Featured

    Perform Predictive Data Analysis in BigQuery: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests the skills and knowledge gained from the labs in the Perform Predictive Data Analysis in BigQuery skill badge course.

  9. Lab Featured

    Examining BigQuery Billing Data in Google Sheets

    Use Google Workspace Connected Sheets to harness the power of BigQuery. Connected Sheets lets you access and use data analytic functions to run queries and analyze data. You could create a Sheet to access and analyze your sales data, for example, then configure your Sheet to always reflect current data.

  10. Course Featured

    Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals

    This course introduces the Google Cloud big data and machine learning products and services that support the data-to-AI lifecycle. It explores the processes, challenges, and benefits of building a big data pipeline and machine learning models with Vertex AI on Google Cloud.