Descubra las capacitaciones de Google Cloud a su manera.

Con más de 980actividades de aprendizaje entre las que elegir, Google Cloud diseñó este catálogo integral teniéndote en cuenta. Este catálogo consta de una variedad de formatos de actividad para que elijas. Elige entre labs individuales breves o cursos de varios módulos que contienen videos, documentos, labs y cuestionarios. Nuestros labs te proporcionan credenciales temporales a recursos reales de la nube para que puedas aprender a usar Google Cloud de forma práctica. Gana insignias por las actividades que completes y define, supervisa y mide tu éxito con Google Cloud.

  • Insignia
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  • Idioma

291 resultados

  1. Lab Destacados

    Redacting Confidential Data within your Pipelines in Cloud Data Fusion

    In this lab you wil learn how to use the Cloud Data Fusion plugin for Cloud DLP to redact sensitive data.

  2. Lab Destacados

    Getting Started with Cloud Data Fusion

    In this lab you will learn how to create a Data Fusion instance and deploy a sample pipeline

  3. Lab Destacados

    Data Loss Prevention: Qwik Start - JSON

    La API de Data Loss Prevention ofrece acceso programático a un potente motor de detección de datos sensibles de privacidad. En este lab, aprenderás a usar la API para inspeccionar una cadena de datos en busca de información sensible.

  4. Lab Destacados

    Building Batch Pipelines in Cloud Data Fusion

    This lab will teach you how to use the Pipeline Studio in Cloud Data Fusion to build an ETL pipeline. Pipeline Studio exposes the building blocks and built-in plugins for you to build your batch pipeline, one node at a time. You will also use the Wrangler plugin to build and apply transformations to your data that…

  5. Lab Destacados

    Tag and Discover BigLake Data: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Tag and Discover BigLake Data course. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  6. Lab Destacados

    Consuming Customer Specific Datasets from Data Sharing Partners using BigQuery

    In this lab you will learn how to create Data Twins for customers on Google Cloud or a different cloud service provider.

  7. Lab Destacados

    Cómo compilar y ejecutar MySQL, PostgreSQL y SQL Server en los conectores de Data Catalog

    En este lab, explorarás conjuntos de datos existentes con Data Catalog y extraerás los metadatos de tablas y columnas para obtener estadísticas.

  8. Lab Destacados

    Perform Predictive Data Analysis in BigQuery: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests the skills and knowledge gained from the labs in the Perform Predictive Data Analysis in BigQuery skill badge course.

  9. Lab Destacados

    Getting Started with BigQuery GIS for Data Analysts

    BigQuery GIS allows you to easily analyze and visualize geospatial data in BigQuery.

  10. Curso Destacados

    Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports

    Complete the introductory Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: filtering, sorting, and pivoting data, merging results from different Looker Explores, and using functions and operators to build Looker dashboards and reports for data analysis and visualiz…