Temukan pelatihan Google Cloud sesuai keinginan Anda.

Dengan lebih dari 980 aktivitas pembelajaran yang dapat dipilih, Google Cloud telah merancang katalog yang komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan Anda. Katalog ini terdiri dari berbagai format aktivitas yang dapat Anda pilih. Anda dapat memilih dari lab individual berdurasi singkat atau kursus multi-modul yang terdiri dari video, dokumen, lab, dan kuis. Lab kami memberi Anda kredensial sementara ke resource cloud nyata agar Anda dapat mempelajari Google Cloud secara langsung di platform aslinya. Dapatkan badge untuk aktivitas yang berhasil Anda selesaikan, serta tentukan target, lacak progres, dan ukur keberhasilan Anda di Google Cloud.

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164 hasil

  1. Lab Unggulan

    Arcade Hero: Enter the BigQuery

    Arcade Hero: BigQuery Level One

  2. Lab Unggulan

    BigQuery Soccer Data Ingestion

    Get started with sports data science by importing soccer data on matches, teams, players, and match events into BigQuery tables.

  3. Lab Unggulan

    ETL Processing on Google Cloud Using Dataflow and BigQuery (Python)

    In this lab, you build several data pipelines that ingest and transform data from a publicly available dataset into BigQuery.

  4. Lab Unggulan

    Analyzing Natality Data Using BigQuery and Vertex AI

    In this lab you analyze a large (137 million rows) natality dataset using Google BigQuery and Vertex AI. This lab is part of a series of labs on processing scientific data.

  5. Lab Unggulan

    BigQuery Soccer Data Analytical Insight

    Learn how to create deeper analytical insights from soccer event data using BigQuery.

  6. Lab Unggulan

    Arcade Hero: Enter the BigQuery Table

    Arcade Hero: BigQuery Level Two

  7. Lab Unggulan

    Getting Started with BigQuery GIS for Data Analysts

    BigQuery GIS allows you to easily analyze and visualize geospatial data in BigQuery.

  8. Lab Unggulan

    BigQuery Machine Learning using Soccer Data

    Learn how to use BigQuery ML with soccer shot data to create and use an expected goals model.

  9. Lab Unggulan

    Building Demand Forecasting with BigQuery ML

    In this lab you will build a time series model to forcast demand of multiple products using BigQuery ML. This lab is based on a blog post and featured in an episode of Cloud OnAir.

  10. Lab Unggulan

    Explore an Ecommerce Dataset with SQL in BigQuery

    In this lab, you learn how to use BigQuery to find data, query the data-to-insights public dataset, and write and execute queries.