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342 条结果

  1. 实验 精选

    “Google Cloud 导览”实操实验

    作为首个实操实验,此实验将引导您访问 Google Cloud 控制台并使用 Google Cloud 的以下基本功能:项目、资源、IAM 用户、角色、权限和 API。

  2. 实验 精选

    Build a Chat Application using the PaLM 2 API on Cloud Run

    In this lab, you build and deploy an AI-based chat application on Cloud Run that utilizes the PaLM 2 API's Chat Bison model (text-chat).

  3. 实验 精选

    Google Kubernetes Engine Pipeline using Cloud Build

    Create a CI/CD pipeline that automatically builds a container image, stores the image in Artifact Registry, updates a Kubernetes manifest in a Git repository, and deploys the application to Google Kubernetes Engine.

  4. 实验 精选

    Google Kubernetes Engine:Qwik Start

    Google Kubernetes Engine 提供了一个托管式环境,您可以使用 Google 基础设施在其中部署、管理和扩缩容器化应用。本动手实验将介绍如何使用 Kubernetes Engine 部署一个容器化应用。

  5. 课程 精选

    Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit

    Complete the intermediate Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: text generation, applying function calls with the Python SDK and the Gemini API, and deploying a Streamlit application with Cloud Run. You will explore different ways to prompt Gemini for text…

  6. 课程 精选

    Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability

    Complete the introductory Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: monitoring virtual machines in Compute Engine, utilizing Cloud Monitoring for multi-project oversight, extending monitoring and logging capabilities to Cloud Functions, creating and sending…

  7. 实验 精选

    Awwvision: Cloud Vision API from a Kubernetes Cluster

    This hands-on lab uses Kubernetes and Cloud Vision API to create an example of how to use the Vision API to classify (label) images from Reddit's /r/aww subreddit and display the labelled results in a web app.

  8. 实验 精选

    Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine - Azure

    In this lab, you will deploy and scale a Web App on Google Compute Engine.

  9. 实验 精选

    使用 Kubernetes Engine 管理部署

    DevOps 最佳实践是利用多个部署来管理应用部署场景。本实验将提供关于扩缩和管理容器方面的练习,以实现使用多个异构部署的常见部署场景。

  10. 课程 精选

    Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine - 简体中文

    欢迎学习“Google Kubernetes Engine 使用入门”课程。Kubernetes 是位于应用和硬件基础架构之间的软件层,如果您对 Kubernetes 感兴趣,那就来对地方了!Google Kubernetes Engine 将 Kubernetes 作为 Google Cloud 上的代管式服务提供给您使用。 本课程的目标是介绍 Google Kubernetes Engine(通常称为 GKE)的基础知识,以及将应用容器化并在 Google Cloud 中运行的方法。本课程首先介绍 Google Cloud 的基础知识,然后概述容器、Kubernetes、Kubernetes 架构以及 Kube…