원하는 방식의 Google Cloud 교육을 살펴보세요.

Google Cloud에서 개발자를 대상으로 한 980개 이상의 학습 활동을 선택할 수 있는 포괄적인 카탈로그를 설계했습니다. 이 카탈로그는 개발자가 선택할 수 있는 다양한 활동 형식으로 구성되어 있습니다. 짧은 분량의 개별 실습 또는 동영상, 문서, 실습, 퀴즈로 구성된 멀티 모듈 과정 중에서 선택하세요. 실습에서는 실제 클라우드 리소스에 대한 임시 사용자 인증 정보를 제공하므로 실제 리소스를 사용하여 Google Cloud를 알아볼 수 있습니다. 이수한 과정의 배지를 획득하고 Google Cloud 성과를 정의, 추적, 측정하세요.

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  • 형식
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결과 343개

  1. 과정 추천

    Gemini for Application Developers

    In this course, you learn how Gemini, a generative AI-powered collaborator from Google Cloud, helps developers build applications. You learn how to prompt Gemini to explain code, recommend Google Cloud services, and generate code for your applications. Using a hands-on lab, you experience how Gemini improves the a…

  2. 과정 추천

    Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud

    Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that can't stay up-to-date with modern customer expectations. Business leaders often have to choose between maintaining their aging IT systems or investing in new products and services. 'Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud' ex…

  3. 과정 추천

    Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud

    Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes …

  4. 실습 추천

    Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud: 챌린지 실습

    이 챌린지 실습에서는 Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud 과정에서 실습을 통해 배운 기술과 지식을 테스트합니다. 이 실습을 시작하기 전에 해당 실습의 내용을 숙지해야 합니다.

  5. 실습 추천

    Deploying a Python Flask Web Application to App Engine Flexible

    In this lab, you will learn how to use App Engine Flexible with Python’s Flask framework. You’ll deploy a web application that allows users to upload photos of people’s faces and do simple facial recognition with the Cloud Vision API.

  6. 과정 추천

    Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations

    In this course, you learn the fundamentals of application development on Google Cloud. You learn best practices for cloud applications, and how to select compute and data options to match your application use cases. You're introduced to generative AI and how it's used to help build applications. You learn about au…

  7. 실습 추천

    Build a Serverless Web App with Firebase

    In this lab you will create a serverless web app with Firebase, which allows users to upload information and make appointments with the fictional Pet Theory clinic.

  8. 실습 추천

    Kubernetes 클러스터에서 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션 수평 확장 및 업데이트: 챌린지 실습

    이 챌린지에서는 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션을 Kubernetes 클러스터에 배포하고, 애플리케이션을 업데이트한 다음, 이를 수평 확장해야 합니다.

  9. 과정 추천

    Securing and Integrating Components of your Application

    In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to develop more secure applications, implement federated identity m…

  10. 과정 추천

    Getting Started With Application Development

    In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices for application development and use the app…