Google Cloud eğitimlerini dilediğiniz şekilde keşfedin.

980'den fazla öğrenim aktivitesi barındıran kapsamlı Google Cloud kataloğu, ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Katalogda çeşitli aktivite formatları yer alır. Tek parçalık kısa laboratuvarlar ya da video, belge, laboratuvar ve testler içeren çok modüllü kurslar arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz. Laboratuvarlarımız kapsamında, gerçek bulut kaynaklarına erişmeniz için geçici kimlik bilgileri verilir. Böylece Google Cloud'u doğrudan platformu kullanarak öğrenebilirsiniz. Google Cloud'da tamamladığınız aktivitelerden rozetler kazanabilir, bu sayede ilerlemenizi öğrenebilir, takip edebilir ve ölçebilirsiniz.

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131 results

  1. Course Featured

    Observability in Google Cloud

    Welcome to the second part of the two part course, Observability in Google Cloud. This course is all about application performance management tools, including Error Reporting, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Profiler.

  2. Lab Featured

    The Basics of Google Cloud Compute: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in The Basics of Google Cloud Compute quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.

  3. Course Featured

    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production

    In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production," you'll learn about Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) security; logging and monitoring; and using Google Cloud managed storage and database services from within GKE. This is the final course of the Architecting with Google Kubern…

  4. Course Featured

    Enterprise Database Migration

    This course is intended to give architects, engineers, and developers the skills required to help enterprise customers architect, plan, execute, and test database migration projects. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs participants move databases to Google Cloud while taking advantage …

  5. Lab Featured

    Deploy a Compute Instance with a Remote Startup Script: Challenge Lab

    Configure a Linux Google Compute Engine instance that installs an Apache web server software using a remote startup script, then confirm that Apache has successfully installed.

  6. Course Featured

    Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations

    In this course, you learn the fundamentals of application development on Google Cloud. You learn best practices for cloud applications, and how to select compute and data options to match your application use cases. You're introduced to generative AI and how it's used to help build applications. You learn about au…

  7. Lab Featured

    Deploying a Fault-Tolerant Microsoft Active Directory Environment

    In this Qwiklab, you set up a redundant pair of Windows Domain Controllers (DC) with AD using a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network and multiple subnets on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

  8. Course Featured

    Insights from Data with BigQuery

    Veri analizi girişimlerinizi, veritabanı donanımını yönetme zahmeti olmadan ölçeklemek mi istiyorsunuz? BigQuery laboratuvarlarından oluşan bu etkileşimli seride, veri ambarınızı sorgulama ve veri ambarınızla ilişkili analizleri alma konusunda en iyi uygulamaları öğrenebilirsiniz. BigQuery, Google’ın tümüyle yönet…

  9. Lab Featured

    Modular Load Balancing with Terraform - Regional Load Balancer

    This lab will demonstrate how to use the Regional Load Balancer GCP Terraform modules for setting up various load balancers.

  10. Course Featured

    The Basics of Google Cloud Compute

    Earn a skill badge by completing the The Basics of Google Cloud Compute quest, where you learn how to work with virtual machines (VMs), persistent disks, and web servers using Compute Engine. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud p…