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6 results

  1. Lab Featured

    HTTP Load Balancer with Cloud Armor

    Configure an HTTP Load Balancer with global backends, stress test the Load Balancer, and denylist the stress test IP with Cloud Armor.

  2. Lab Featured

    Cloud Armor Preconfigured WAF Rules

    Mitigate some common vulnerabilities by using Google Cloud Armor WAF rules.

  3. Lab Featured

    Defending Edge Cache with Cloud Armor

    Apply Google Cloud Armor security policies to restrict access to cached objects on Cloud CDN and Cloud Storage, and block the traffic before it reaches the load balanced backend services or buckets.

  4. Lab Featured

    Rate Limiting with Cloud Armor

    Configure an HTTP Load Balancer with global backends, stress test the Load Balancer, and add a Cloud Armor rate limiting policy to restrict based on IP.

  5. Lab Featured

    Bot Management with Google Cloud Armor and reCAPTCHA

    Use Google Cloud Armor bot management to mitigate bot risk and to control access from automated clients

  6. Lab Featured

    Protecting APIs with Apigee X and Cloud Armor

    In this lab, you use an Apigee X threat protection policy and Cloud Armor to protect your APIs.