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Google Cloud 提供 980 多项学习活动供您选择,我们设计的目录完整全面,充分考虑了您的需求。该目录包含各种可供您选择的活动形式,既有简短的单个实验,也有由视频、文档、实验和测验组成的多模块课程,您可以根据需求进行选择。我们的实验可为您提供实际云资源的临时凭据,以便您通过实际操作掌握 Google Cloud 知识。您可以跟踪、衡量和了解自己的 Google Cloud 学习进度,完成学习活动即可赢取徽章!

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14 条结果

  1. 实验 精选

    Hosting a Web App on Google Cloud Using Compute Engine (AWS)

    In this lab you'll deploy and scale a Web App on Google Compute Engine.

  2. 实验 精选

    Introduction to Migration Center Assessments

    Learn how to assess a customer's existing environment, collect information from a supported database as well as import data collected from Azure/AWS infrastructure. Generate inventory, cloud fit score, and financial reports including TCO and ROI analysis.

  3. 实验 精选

    Database and Multi-Cloud Assessment with StratoZone

    Collect database information from Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL, import data generated from AWS/Azure account into StratoZone for analysis

  4. 实验 精选

    创建虚拟机 - Creating a Virtual Machine

    在此实操实验中,您将学习如何创建 Google Compute Engine 虚拟机,并了解可用区、区域和不同的机器类型。您可以观看下面的短视频,先行了解一下实验内容:GCP 基础知识 - 创建虚拟机。