Scopri la formazione Google Cloud a modo tuo.

Con oltre 980 attività di apprendimento tra cui scegliere, Google Cloud ha progettato il nostro catalogo completo pensando a te. Il catalogo è composto da una varietà di formati di attività tra cui scegliere. Scegli tra piccoli laboratori individuali o corsi multimodulo composti da video, documenti, laboratori e quiz. I nostri laboratori ti forniscono credenziali temporanee per risorse cloud reali, così puoi imparare a utilizzare Google Cloud com'è davvero. Guadagna badge per ciò che completi, definisci, monitora e misura il tuo successo con Google Cloud.

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8 risultati

  1. Lab In primo piano

    Speech to Text Transcription with the Cloud Speech API

    The Cloud Speech API lets you do speech to text transcription from audio files in over 80 languages. In this hands-on lab you’ll record your own audio file and send it to the Speech API for transcription.

  2. Lab In primo piano

    API Google Cloud Speech: Qwik Start

    L'API Google Cloud Speech integra il riconoscimento vocale nelle app per sviluppatori; ora puoi inviare audio e ricevere una trascrizione del testo. Guarda questi brevi video: Powerful Speech Recognition Using Google Machine Learning e Google Cloud Speech: Qwik Start - Qwiklabs Preview

  3. Corso In primo piano

    Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud

    Big data, machine learning e intelligenza artificiale sono i temi più attuali nel campo dell'elaborazione dati. Tuttavia, questi settori sono piuttosto specialistici ed è difficile trovare materiale introduttivo. Fortunatamente, Google Cloud fornisce servizi facili da usare in questi ambiti e il Laboratorio Qwikla…

  4. Corso In primo piano

    Intro to ML: Language Processing

    It’s no secret that machine learning is one of the fastest growing fields in tech, and the Google Cloud Platform has been instrumental in furthering its development. With a host of APIs, GCP has a tool for just about any machine learning job. In this introductory quest, you will get hands-on practice with machine …

  5. Corso In primo piano

    Baseline: Data, ML, AI

    Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are today’s hot computing topics, but these fields are quite specialized and introductory material is hard to come by. Fortunately, Google Cloud provides user-friendly services in these areas, and with this introductory-level quest, so you can take your first…

  6. Corso In primo piano

    Language, Speech, Text, & Translation with Google Cloud APIs

    In this quest you will use a collection of Google APIs that are all related to language, and speech. You will use the Speech-to-Text API to transcribe an audio file into a text file, the Cloud Translation API to translate from one language to another, the Cloud Translation API to detect what language is being used…

  7. Corso In primo piano

    Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Integrate with Machine Learning APIs course, where you learn the basic features for the following machine learning and AI technologies: Cloud Vision API, Cloud Cloud Translation API, and Cloud Natural Language API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google …

  8. Corso In primo piano

    Using the Google Cloud Speech API

    Earn a skill badge by completing the The Basics of Google Cloud Compute quest, where you learn how create a Speech-to-Text API request, transcribe audio speech to text, and transcribe speech. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud p…