Temukan pelatihan Google Cloud sesuai keinginan Anda.

Dengan lebih dari 980 aktivitas pembelajaran yang dapat dipilih, Google Cloud telah merancang katalog yang komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan Anda. Katalog ini terdiri dari berbagai format aktivitas yang dapat Anda pilih. Anda dapat memilih dari lab individual berdurasi singkat atau kursus multi-modul yang terdiri dari video, dokumen, lab, dan kuis. Lab kami memberi Anda kredensial sementara ke resource cloud nyata agar Anda dapat mempelajari Google Cloud secara langsung di platform aslinya. Dapatkan badge untuk aktivitas yang berhasil Anda selesaikan, serta tentukan target, lacak progres, dan ukur keberhasilan Anda di Google Cloud.

  • Solusi
  • Peran
  • lencana
  • Format
  • Tingkat
  • Durasi
  • Bahasa

9 hasil

  1. Lab Unggulan

    Classify Images of Cats and Dogs using Transfer Learning

    In this lab, you will learn how to classify images of cats and dogs by using transfer learning from a pre-trained network.

  2. Lab Unggulan

    Google Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start

    Google Kubernetes Engine menyediakan lingkungan terkelola untuk men-deploy, mengelola, dan menskalakan aplikasi dalam container menggunakan infrastruktur Google. Lab praktik ini menunjukkan cara men-deploy aplikasi dalam container dengan Kubernetes Engine.

  3. Lab Unggulan

    Configuring Networks via gcloud

    In this lab you use the gcloud command line to create VPC networks, subnets, and VM instances, then test connectivity.

  4. Lab Unggulan

    Build a Resilient, Asynchronous System with Cloud Run and Pub/Sub

    Use Cloud Run and Pub/Sub to run a service that manages communication through HTTP POST, email, and SMS.

  5. Lab Unggulan

    Fundamentals of Cloud Logging

    In this hands-on lab, you learn how to use Cloud Logging to accumulate application logs in a single place, filter to reach the required log, understand how to create logs based metrics for advanced analysis, examine the audit logs use case, and export logs for compliance and/or advanced analysis needs.

  6. Lab Unggulan

    Tracking Cryptocurrency Exchange Trades with Google Cloud Platform in Real-Time

    In this lab you will use Google Cloud services to help graph trades, volume, and time delta from trade execution to see any patterns in the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

  7. Lab Unggulan

    Cloud Composer: Qwik Start - Command Line

    In this lab, you use Cloud Shell command line to create the Cloud Composer environment and set Composer environment variables. You then use Composer to run a workflow that verifies a data file, creates and runs an Apache Hadoop wordcount job on a Dataproc cluster, and deletes the cluster.

  8. Lab Unggulan

    HTTP Google Cloud Functions in Go

    In this lab you'll build an HTTP Cloud Function in Go.

  9. Lab Unggulan

    Visualize the 10,000 Bitcoin Pizza Transaction Using BigQuery and Vertex AI Workbench

    In this lab you will use an Vertex AI Notebook instance to retrieve as many transactions as possible from BigQuery within 2 degrees of separation from the pizza exchange, post-process the transactions to remove excess transaction, then visualize the directed graph.

Masukkan kode Anda di bawah. Setelah memasukkan kode, selesaikan lab untuk membuka manfaat tambahan.