원하는 방식의 Google Cloud 교육을 살펴보세요.

Google Cloud에서 개발자를 대상으로 한 980개 이상의 학습 활동을 선택할 수 있는 포괄적인 카탈로그를 설계했습니다. 이 카탈로그는 개발자가 선택할 수 있는 다양한 활동 형식으로 구성되어 있습니다. 짧은 분량의 개별 실습 또는 동영상, 문서, 실습, 퀴즈로 구성된 멀티 모듈 과정 중에서 선택하세요. 실습에서는 실제 클라우드 리소스에 대한 임시 사용자 인증 정보를 제공하므로 실제 리소스를 사용하여 Google Cloud를 알아볼 수 있습니다. 이수한 과정의 배지를 획득하고 Google Cloud 성과를 정의, 추적, 측정하세요.

  • 배지
  • 형식
  • 언어

결과 12개

  1. 실습 추천

    Derive Insights from BigQuery Data: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Derive Insights from BigQuery Data skill badge. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  2. 실습 추천

    Explore an Ecommerce Dataset with SQL in BigQuery

    In this lab, you learn how to use BigQuery to find data, query the data-to-insights public dataset, and write and execute queries.

  3. 실습 추천

    Google Meet: Getting Started

    Use Google Meet to hold impromptu video meetings, virtual training classes around the world, remote interviews, and much more.

  4. 실습 추천

    How to Use a Network Policy on Google Kubernetes Engine

    In this lab you learn how to improve the security of your Kubernetes Engine by applying fine-grained restrictions to limit intra-cluster network communication.

  5. 실습 추천

    Material Components for Flutter Basics

    Design a basic frontend for a mobile app using Material Components for Flutter.

  6. 실습 추천

    Ingesting FHIR Data with the Healthcare API

    In this lab you will learn the basic functionalities of Cloud Healthcare API using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability (FHIR) data model.

  7. 실습 추천

    Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory

    Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is a highly available, hardened Google Cloud service running actual Microsoft AD that enables you to manage authentication and authorization for your AD-dependent workloads, automate AD server maintenance and security configuration, and connect your on-premises A…

  8. 실습 추천

    Autoscaling an Instance Group with Custom Cloud Monitoring Metrics

    This lab describes how to deploy an autoscaling Compute Engine instance group that is automatically scaled using a custom Cloud monitoring metric

  9. 실습 추천

    Cloud Logging on Kubernetes Engine

    In this lab you will deploy a sample application to Kubernetes Engine that forwards log events to Cloud Logging.

  10. 실습 추천

    Using Cloud Trace on Kubernetes Engine

    This lab deployings a Kubernetes Engine cluster, then a simple web application fronted by a load balancer is deployed to the cluster. The web app publishes messages provided by the user to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic. You will see the correlated telemetry data from HTTP requests to the app will be available in the Cloud…

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