
Google Cloud 根據您的需求規劃了全方位的課程內容,內含超過 980 項學習活動,並涵蓋多種活動型態,您可自由選擇。您可以選擇簡短的個別研究室,或是包含影片、文件、研究室和測驗的多單元課程。在研究室中,您可以透過臨時憑證實際使用雲端資源,直接累積 Google Cloud 實作經驗。完成課程可獲得徽章,讓您輕鬆掌握、追蹤及評估自己的 Google Cloud 學習成果!

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122 条结果

  1. 课程 精选

    Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability

    Complete the introductory Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: monitoring virtual machines in Compute Engine, utilizing Cloud Monitoring for multi-project oversight, extending monitoring and logging capabilities to Cloud Functions, creating and sending…

  2. 实验 精选

    在 Kubernetes 叢集中向外擴充並更新容器化應用程式:挑戰研究室

    您的挑戰是將容器化應用程式部署至 Kubernetes 叢集,更新應用程式,然後向外擴充。

  3. 实验 精选

    Hello Node Kubernetes

    In this hands-on lab, you turn your code into a replicated application running on Kubernetes. You create a Node.js app, create a Docker container from it, deploy it to Kubernetes Engine, and scale it up. Watch a short preview Hello Node Kubernetes, GCP Essentials.

  4. 实验 精选

    Build a Serverless App with Cloud Run that Creates PDF Files

    In this lab you will build a PDF converter web app on Cloud Run, a serverless service, that automatically converts files stored in Cloud Storage into PDFs stored in segregated folders.

  5. 实验 精选

    建構 Docker 映像檔並部署至 Kubernetes 叢集:挑戰研究室

    在本實作研究室中,您將使用標記建構 Docker 容器映像檔,然後在部署前推送這個檔案至 Google Container Registry (GCR)。標記可讓映像檔儲存於 GCR。接著建立 Kubernetes 叢集,並將範例應用程式部署到叢集。

  6. 实验 精选

    Autoscaling an Instance Group with Custom Cloud Monitoring Metrics

    This lab describes how to deploy an autoscaling Compute Engine instance group that is automatically scaled using a custom Cloud monitoring metric

  7. 课程 精选

    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads

    In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads," you learn about performing Kubernetes operations; creating and managing deployments; the tools of GKE networking; and how to give your Kubernetes workloads persistent storage. This is the second course of the Architecting with Google Kuber…

  8. 课程 精选

    Develop your Google Cloud Network

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop your Google Cloud Network course, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in …

  9. 课程 精选

    Monitoring in Google Cloud

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Monitoring in Google Cloud quest, where you learn how to use Cloud Monitoring tools. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in…

  10. 实验 精选

    Using Role-based Access Control in Kubernetes Engine

    After provisioning two service accounts to represent user personas and three namespaces for dev, test, and prod, you will test the access controls of the personals in each namespace.

  11. 实验 精选

    Continuous Delivery with Jenkins in Kubernetes Engine

    In this lab you will deploy and completely configure a continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins running on Kubernetes Engine and go through the dev - deploy process.

  12. 实验 精选

    How to Use a Network Policy on Google Kubernetes Engine

    In this lab you learn how to improve the security of your Kubernetes Engine by applying fine-grained restrictions to limit intra-cluster network communication.

  13. 课程 精选

    App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance

    In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to create repeatable deployments by treating infrastructure…

  14. 课程 精选

    Baseline: Infrastructure

    If you are a novice cloud developer looking for hands-on practice beyond Google Cloud Essentials, this quest is for you. You will get practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Stackdriver and Cloud Functions. By taking this quest, you will develop valuab…

  15. 课程 精选

    Set Up a Google Cloud Network

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up a Google Cloud Network course, where you will learn how to: Set IAM features with the gcloud CLI tool; deploy and scale a web app on Google Compute Engine; provision a Kubernetes cluster and break an application into microservices; perform basic networking tasks on Googl…

  16. 课程 精选

    Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud

    Complete the intermediate Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and assigning roles with Identity and Access Management (IAM); creating and managing service accounts; enabling private connectivity across virtual private cloud (VPC) networ…

  17. 实验 精选

    GKE Autopilot: Qwik Start

    GKE Autopilot provides a managed environment for deploying, managing, and scaling your containerized applications using Google infrastructure.

  18. 课程 精选

    Google Cloud Essentials

    In this introductory-level Quest, you will get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner - you will come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that you ca…

  19. 实验 精选

    Deploy, Scale, and Update Your Website on Google Kubernetes Engine

    Deploy a website to Google Kubernetes Engine, scale it out to more instances, and deploy a new version using Rolling Updates.

  20. 课程 精选

    Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage to demonstrate skills in the following: deploy a publicly accessible website using Apache web servers, configure a Compute Engine VM using startup scripts, configure secure RDP using a Windows Bastion host and firewall rules, bu…

  21. 实验 精选

    Distributed Load Testing Using Kubernetes

    Lab has instructions to conduct distributed load testing with Kubernetes, which includes a sample web application, Docker image, and Kubernetes deployments/services.

  22. 课程 精选

    Configure Google Kubernetes Engine Networking

    This course teaches you some basic Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) networking. With written lectures, hands-on lab exercises, and quizzes, you learn how to set up services, facilitate communication, and configure secure access to your GKE applications.

  23. 课程 精选

    Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run

    Complete the intermediate Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: integrating Cloud Run with Cloud Storage for data management, architecting resilient asynchronous systems using Cloud Run and Pub/Sub, constructing REST API gateways powered by Cloud Run, and …

  24. 实验 精选

    Creating PDFs with Go and Cloud Run

    Learn how to develop an application to create PDFs on Google Cloud using Serverless technologies and Go.

  25. 实验 精选

    Google Kubernetes Engine Security: Binary Authorization

    This lab deploys a Kubernetes Engine Cluster with the Binary Authorization feature enabled; you'll learn how to whitelist approved container registries and the process of creating and running a signed container.

  26. 课程 精选

    Developing Containerized Applications on Google Cloud

    In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for application developers.

  27. 实验 精选

    Running a Containerized App on Google Kubernetes Engine

    Containers are becoming a popular way to run and scale applications across multiple cloud providers or on both cloud and on premise hardware. This lab provides a quick introduction to running a website on Google Container Engine using Docker.

  28. 课程 精选

    Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud

    Earn the advanced skill badge by completing the Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud course, where you learn the basic features for the following machine learning and AI technologies: Cloud Vision API, Cloud Cloud Translation API, and Cloud Natural Language API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge i…

  29. 实验 精选

    Migrating a Monolithic Website to Microservices on Google Kubernetes Engine

    Deploy a monolithic application to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, then break it down into microservices.

  30. 实验 精选

    App Dev: Deploying the Application into Kubernetes Engine - Python

    In this lab, you will deploy the quiz application into Kubernetes Engine, leveraging Google Cloud Platform resources including Container Builder and Container Registry, and Kubernetes resources including Deployments, Pods, and Services.

  31. 课程 精选

    Build a Website on Google Cloud

    Earn the introductory skill badge by completing the Build a Website on Google Cloud course. This course is based on the series Get Cooking in Cloud, where you learn how to: Deploy a website on Cloud Run; Host a web app on Compute Engine; Create, deploy, and scale your website on Google Kubernetes Engine; Migrate …

  32. 实验 精选

    Setting up Jenkins on Kubernetes Engine

    This hands-on lab will show you how to set up Jenkins on Google Kubernetes Engine to help orchestrate your software delivery pipeline.

  33. 课程 精选

    Networking Fundamentals on Google Cloud

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Networking Fundamentals on Google Cloud quest, where you learn how to work with VPC networks and load balancers on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and t…

  34. 课程 精选

    Networking Fundamentals in Google Cloud

    Networking is a principle theme of cloud computing. It’s the underlying structure of Google Cloud, and it’s what connects all your resources and services to one another. This quest will cover essential Google Cloud networking services and will give you hands-on practice with specialized tools for developing mature…

  35. 实验 精选

    Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals course. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  36. 实验 精选

    Connect to Cloud SQL from an Application in Google Kubernetes Engine

    This lab shows how easy it is to connect an application in Google Kubernetes Engine to a Cloud SQL instance using the Cloud SQL Proxy container as a sidecar container. You will deploy a GKE cluster and a Cloud SQL Postgres instance and use the Cloud SQL Proxy container to allow communication between them.

  37. 实验 精选

    Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for Azure Professionals: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for Azure Professionals course. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  38. 实验 精选

    Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes (AWS)

    In this lab you will learn how to provision a complete Kubernetes cluster using Google Kubernetes Engine; deploy and manage Docker containers using kubectl; and break an application into microservices using Kubernetes Deployments and Services.

  39. 实验 精选

    Optimizing Cost with Google Cloud Storage

    In this lab you will configure Cloud Monitoring to observe bucket object access and deploy a Cloud Function to migrate objects from a Regional bucket to a Nearline bucket.

  40. 实验 精选

    Modular Load Balancing with Terraform - Regional Load Balancer

    This lab will demonstrate how to use the Regional Load Balancer GCP Terraform modules for setting up various load balancers.

  41. 课程 精选

    DevOps Essentials

    Obtain a competitive advantage through DevOps. DevOps is an organizational and cultural movement that aims to increase software delivery velocity, improve service reliability, and build shared ownership among software stakeholders. In this quest you will learn how to use Google Cloud to improve the speed, stabili…

  42. 实验 精选

    Running Windows Containers on Compute Engine

    In this lab you will learn how to create a Windows VM for containers on Compute Engine, then create an image with a HelloWorld PowerShell script and run that image as a Windows container.

  43. 实验 精选

    Cloud Operations for GKE

    In this lab you will set up Monitoring and visualizing metrics from a Kubernetes Engine cluster

  44. 实验 精选

    Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes (Azure)

    In this lab you will learn how to provision a complete Kubernetes cluster using Google Kubernetes Engine; deploy and manage Docker containers using kubectl; and break an application into microservices using Kubernetes’ Deployments and Services.

  45. 实验 精选

    APIs Explorer: Compute Engine

    Use the APIs Explorer to create a Compute Engine instance, then use Cloud monitoring to monitor the CPU usage.

  46. 课程 精选

    Using DevSecOps in your Google Cloud Environment

    In this course, you will learn the basic skills to implement secure and efficient DevSecOps practices on Google Cloud. You'll learn how to secure your development pipeline with Google Cloud services like Artifact Registry, Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy, and Binary Authorization. This enables you to build, test, and de…

  47. 课程 精选

    Kubernetes in Google Cloud

    Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration system, and Google Kubernetes Engine was designed specifically to support managed Kubernetes deployments in Google Cloud. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice configuring Docker images, containers, and deploying fully-fledged Kubernetes…

  48. 课程 精选

    Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform

    In this Quest, the experienced user of Google Cloud will learn how to describe and launch cloud resources with Terraform, an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. In these nine hands-on la…

  49. 课程 精选

    Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Build Google Cloud Infrastructure for AWS Professionals course, where you learn how to configure IAM permission, orchestrate workloads using Kubernetes, host a web application using compute engine, and configure load balancing. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issu…

  50. 课程 精选

    Modernizing Retail and Ecommerce Solutions with Google Cloud

    In this course, you will learn about the various services Google Cloud offers for modernizing retail applications and infrastructure. Through a series of lecture content and hands-on labs, you will gain practical experience deploying cutting-edge retail and ecommerce solutions on Google Cloud.