On-demand activities

Find the right on-demand learning activities for you. Labs are short learning activities that teach you a specific lesson by giving you direct, temporary, hands-on access to real cloud resources. Courses are longer activities, consisting of several modules made of videos, documents, hands-on labs and quizzes. Finally, quests are similar, but are usually shorter and contain only labs.

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121 results

  1. Course Featured

    Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine

    Complete the introductory Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: writing gcloud commands and using Cloud Shell, creating and deploying virtual machines in Compute Engine, and configuring network and HTTP load balancers. A skill badge is an exclusive digital…

  2. Lab Featured

    Deploying GKE Autopilot Clusters

    Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine: Creating a GKE Autopilot Cluster via Google Cloud Console

  3. Course Featured

    Google Kubernetes Engine Best Practices: Security

    Get Anthos Ready. This Google Kubernetes Engine-centric quest of best practice hands-on labs focuses on security at scale when deploying and managing production GKE environments -- specifically role-based access control, hardening, VPC networking, and binary authorization.

  4. Lab Featured

    Monitoring and Logging for Cloud Functions

    Use Cloud Monitoring to view Cloud Functions details in the Google Cloud console, and Cloud Logging to look at the data for your cloud function.

  5. Lab Featured

    VPC Networking Fundamentals

    In this lab you create an auto-mode VPC network with firewall rules and 2 VM instances, then explore the connectivity for the VM instances.

  6. Lab Featured

    Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud skill badge. You should be familiar with the content of the labs before attempting this lab.

  7. Lab Featured

    Monitoring Multiple Projects with Cloud Monitoring

    In this hands-on lab we take a look through some of the information provided by the Cloud Monitoring tools, and teach some of the concepts you will need to know to take advantage of Cloud Monitoring effectively.

  8. Lab Featured

    Setting up a Private Kubernetes Cluster

    Hands-on lab for creating a private cluster in the cloud environment. In a private cluster, nodes do not have public IP addresses, so your workloads run in an environment that is isolated from the Internet. Prerequisites: Experience with Kubernetes Clusters, and CIDR-range IP address.

  9. Lab Featured

    Set Up a Google Cloud Network: Challenge Lab

    This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Set Up a Google Cloud Network skill badge. Are you ready for the challenge?

  10. Lab Featured

    Creating and Alerting on Logs-based Metrics

    In this hands-on lab learn how to create log-based metrics and view the alerts in Cloud Monitoring