Activités à la demande

Trouvez les activités à la demande qui vous conviennent. Les ateliers sont des activités de formation courtes qui couvrent une leçon spécifique en vous donnant un accès direct, temporaire et pratique à des ressources cloud réelles. Les cours sont des activités plus longues comprenant plusieurs modules, dont des vidéos, des documents, des ateliers pratiques et des questionnaires. Les quêtes sont semblables aux cours, mais sont généralement plus courtes et contiennent uniquement des ateliers.

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  • Niveau (1)
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673 résultats

  1. Atelier Sélection

    Arcade Hero: Enter the Artifact Registry Maven

    Arcade Hero: Artifact Registry Level One

  2. Atelier Sélection

    Create a VPC using Cloud Shell

    Create and then view a VPC with a subnet.

  3. Atelier Sélection

    Deploy Secure Endpoints for Users with ChromeOS

    In this lab, you'll set up ChromeOS device and users & browsers policies.

  4. Atelier Sélection

    Translate Text with the Cloud Translation API

    Cloud Translation translates an arbitrary string into any supported language. In this hands-on lab, you use the Cloud Translation API to detect the language of a text, and then translate the text.

  5. Atelier Sélection

    Exploring NCAA Data with BigQuery

    Use BigQuery to explore the NCAA dataset of basketball games, teams, and players. The data covers plays from 2009 and scores from 1996. Watch How the NCAA is using Google Cloud to tap into decades of sports data.

  6. Atelier Sélection

    Secure Software Supply Chain: Create and Use Cloud Workstations

    In this lab, you will use Cloud Workstations to create a workstation configuration and launch a new workstation instance from that configuration.

  7. Atelier Sélection

    Scaling Microservices Applications: Migration to Redis Enterprise on Google Cloud

    In this lab, you will deploy a fully functioning microservices e-Commerce website application on Google Cloud using Redis to run the shopping cart service and then migrate that to Redis Enterprise for scalability and high availability.

  8. Atelier Sélection

    Speech to Text Transcription with the Cloud Speech API

    The Cloud Speech API lets you do speech to text transcription from audio files in over 80 languages. In this hands-on lab you’ll record your own audio file and send it to the Speech API for transcription.

  9. Atelier Sélection

    Pub/Sub: Qwik Start - Python

    In this lab, you learn about Pub/Sub and how to create a topic and subscriber with a Python script, and then publish and view messages. Watch the short video Simplify Event Driven Processing with Cloud Pub/Sub.

  10. Atelier Sélection

    Use reports to remediate findings

    Remediate threats detailed in a management report