
Google Cloud 根據您的需求規劃了全方位的課程內容,內含超過 980 項學習活動,並涵蓋多種活動型態,您可自由選擇。您可以選擇簡短的個別研究室,或是包含影片、文件、研究室和測驗的多單元課程。在研究室中,您可以透過臨時憑證實際使用雲端資源,直接累積 Google Cloud 實作經驗。完成課程可獲得徽章,讓您輕鬆掌握、追蹤及評估自己的 Google Cloud 學習成果!

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54 条结果

  1. 实验 精选

    Continuous Delivery with Google Cloud Deploy

    Create a delivery pipeline using Google Cloud Deploy, create a release for a basic application, and promote the application through a series of Google Kubernetes Engine targets

  2. 实验 精选

    透過 Kubernetes 自動化調度管理雲端資源

    在本研究室中,您將瞭解如何使用 Google Kubernetes Engine 佈建完整的 Kubernetes 叢集、使用 kubectl 部署及管理 Docker 容器,以及使用 Kubernetes 的 Deployment 和 Service 將應用程式拆解成微服務。

  3. 课程 精选

    Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud quest, where you will learn about Google Kubernetes Engine and multiple deployment approaches including how to: configure and build images to run and debug Docker containers, build Kubernetes Engine clusters, and manage them with kubectl, deplo…

  4. 课程 精选

    Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - 繁體中文

    這堂課程可讓參加人員瞭解如何使用確實有效的設計模式,在 Google Cloud 中打造相當可靠且效率卓越的解決方案。這堂課程接續了「設定 Google Compute Engine 架構」或「設定 Google Kubernetes Engine 架構」課程的內容,並假設參加人員曾實際運用上述任一課程涵蓋的技術。這堂課程結合了簡報、設計活動和實作研究室,可讓參加人員瞭解如何定義業務和技術需求,並在兩者之間取得平衡,進而設計出相當可靠、高可用性、安全又符合成本效益的 Google Cloud 部署項目。

  5. 实验 精选

    Identify Application Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center

    In this lab, you will use Web Security Scanner—one of Security Command Center's built-in services—to scan a Python Flask application for vulnerabilities.

  6. 实验 精选

    Deploy Your Website on Cloud Run

    In this lab you will deploy a website to Google Kubernetes Engine, scale it out to more instances, then deploy a new version using rolling updates.

  7. 课程 精选

    Develop your Google Cloud Network

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop your Google Cloud Network course, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in …

  8. 课程 精选

    Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud

    Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes …

  9. 课程 精选

    Google Cloud Essentials

    In this introductory-level Quest, you will get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner - you will come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that you ca…

  10. 课程 精选

    Set Up a Google Cloud Network

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up a Google Cloud Network course, where you will learn how to: Set IAM features with the gcloud CLI tool; deploy and scale a web app on Google Compute Engine; provision a Kubernetes cluster and break an application into microservices; perform basic networking tasks on Googl…