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44 条结果

  1. 课程 精选

    Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine - 简体中文

    欢迎学习“Google Kubernetes Engine 使用入门”课程。Kubernetes 是位于应用和硬件基础架构之间的软件层,如果您对 Kubernetes 感兴趣,那就来对地方了!Google Kubernetes Engine 将 Kubernetes 作为 Google Cloud 上的代管式服务提供给您使用。 本课程的目标是介绍 Google Kubernetes Engine(通常称为 GKE)的基础知识,以及将应用容器化并在 Google Cloud 中运行的方法。本课程首先介绍 Google Cloud 的基础知识,然后概述容器、Kubernetes、Kubernetes 架构以及 Kube…

  2. 课程 精选

    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations - 简体中文

    在本课程“Google Kubernetes Engine 架构设计:基础知识”中,您将了解 Google Cloud 的概况和原理,然后学习如何创建和管理软件容器,以及了解 Kubernetes 的架构。 这是“Google Kubernetes Engine 架构设计”系列课程的第一门课程。完成本课程后,请报名参加“Google Kubernetes Engine 架构设计:工作负载”课程。

  3. 课程 精选

    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production

    In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production," you'll learn about Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) security; logging and monitoring; and using Google Cloud managed storage and database services from within GKE. This is the final course of the Architecting with Google Kubern…

  4. 课程 精选

    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads

    In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads," you learn about performing Kubernetes operations; creating and managing deployments; the tools of GKE networking; and how to give your Kubernetes workloads persistent storage. This is the second course of the Architecting with Google Kuber…

  5. 课程 精选

    Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - 简体中文

    本课程指导学员运用久经考验的设计模式在 Google Cloud 上构建高度可靠且高效的解决方案。它是“Google Compute Engine 架构设计”或“Google Kubernetes Engine 架构设计”课程的延续,并假定您有使用其中任何一门课程所涵盖技术的实践经验。通过一系列演示、设计活动和动手实验,学员可以了解如何定义及平衡业务要求和技术要求,以便设计可靠性和可用性高、安全且经济实惠的 Google Cloud 部署。

  6. 课程 精选

    Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos

    Welcome to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos! This is the first course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos path. Anthos enables you to build and manage modern applications, and gives you the freedom to choose where to run them. Anthos gives you one consistent experience …

  7. 课程 精选

    Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos

    This on-demand course equips students to understand and adopt Istio-based service-mesh with Anthos for centralized observability, traffic management, and service-level security. This is the second course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos series. After completing this course, learners sho…

  8. 课程 精选

    Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cluster with Anthos

    This on-demand course equips students to understand, configure, and maintain multi-cluster Kubernetes infrastructures using Anthos GKE, and Istio-based service mesh, whether deployed with Anthos on Google Cloud or with Anthos deployed on VMware. This is the third, and final, course of the Architecting Hybrid Clou…

  9. 课程 精选

    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - 简体中文

    “Google Cloud 基础知识:核心基础架构”介绍在使用 Google Cloud 时会遇到的重要概念和术语。本课程通过视频和实操实验来介绍并比较 Google Cloud 的多种计算和存储服务,并提供重要的资源和政策管理工具。

  10. 课程 精选

    Developing Containerized Applications on Google Cloud

    In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for application developers.